Author:Adrian Pino <apinoa{[at]}>
Category:Attribute selection
Depends:weka (>=3.7.1)
Description:Search methods contributed by Adrian Pino (ScatterSearchV1, TabuSearch). ScatterSearch: Performs an Scatter Search through the space of attribute subsets. Start with a population of many significants and diverses subset stops when the result is higher than a given treshold or there's not more improvement. For more information see: Felix Garcia Lopez (2004). Solving feature subset selection problem by a Parallel Scatter Search. Elsevier. Tabu Search: Abdel-Rahman Hedar, Jue Wangy, Masao Fukushima (2006). Tabu Search for Attribute Reduction in Rough Set Theory.
License:GPL 3.0
Maintainer:Adrian Pino <apinoa{[at]}>